In Mashable’s article outlining 35 pieces of career advice to think about before you turn 35, they point out the things you should know about your professional self by a certain point in your career. What’s your biggest weakness? Do you know how to delegate? Are you comfortable with getting feedback or saying the word ‘no’? Check out the list below and the full article on Mashable and start checking off all 35 items.

In the full article, Mashable gives an overview of why each of these items are important and resources to help you accomplish them.

  1. Really refine your elevator pitch
  2. Know your superpower
  3. Know your weakness
  4. Learn how to delegate
  5. Know your career non-negotiables
  6. Do something you're really, really proud of
  7. Learn from something you're not so proud of
  8. Stretch your limits
  9. Do something that really scares you
  10. Get comfortable with getting feedback
  11. Get comfortable with giving feedback
  12. Get comfortable with saying no
  13. Have a broad network of people you can trust
  14. Have a couple of specific career advisors
  15. Scrub your online presence
  16. Perfect your LinkedIn profile
  17. Have a portfolio of your best work
  18. Know how to sell (yourself or something else)
  19. Know how to negotiate
  20. Know how to manage up
  21. Know how to send a killer email
  22. Master your handshake
  23. Find a to-do list system that works for you
  24. Know your energy levels — and use them
  25. Know how much sleep you need and commit to getting it
  26. Know how to manage stress
  27. Stop over-apologizing
  28. Get over impostor syndrome
  29. Have a career emergency plan
  30. Pick up a side project
  31. Invest in your retirement
  32. Invest in yourself
  33. Invest in the world
  34. Know what you don't want
  35. Give yourself permission to go after what you do